(858) 877-0781 marnifreedman18@gmail.com


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Floating Item

Permission to Roar

Too often, women question their expertise, dim their light, or don’t feel worthy of writing a book that highlights their ideas and talents. But by learning to harness your inner brilliance and organize your ideas, you can own the title, thought leader, and write that magic-filled book that can change your corner of the world. Permission to Roar is part inspiration, part practical, hands-on tools, and part kick-ass knowledge. This book will wrap its arms around you and help you to unlock the words that have been longing to be expressed. Marni has a clear call to action: The time has come to stop shrinking and start shining. We need your voice, and we need it right now to help shape, heal, and shake up the conversation. Yes YOU, yes NOW.
Floating Item
Floating Item

7 Essential Writing Tools: That Will Absolutely Make Your Writing Better

Marni Freedman invites you to fall in love with the magic that is writing with writer-tested-and-approved tools on story structure, scene creation, plot, voice and character.

You need this kind of kick in the pants.

The master coach whose credits include writing a play that was turned into a Disney movie offers fresh and practical ideas on writing, including:

The 15 Essential Plot Spots-a plotting tool for everything from novels to memoirs to screenplays

The big list of 55 Character Archetypes

Insights into figuring out how you (yes, you) work as a writer

The 5 elements that will ensure you have a compelling story idea

A clear explanation of anti-heroes, anti-villains and everything in between

The 9 elements of crafting a dynamic character

3 steps to finding and boldly using your unique writers voice

You Are a Kickass Creator You Are a Kickass Creator