(858) 877-0781 [email protected]

What People are Saying

I’m a super-fan status of Marni’s. She has the ability to hone in and help you find your voice. If you’re not ready to tell the real story, Marni will pull it out of you.

—Jessica Keith, author of ​​Saying Inshallah With Chutzpah: A Gefilte Fish Out of Water Story

It has been my honor to have Marni in my life, teaching, supporting, and encouraging me through the ups and downs of creating two novels. I will always be thankful to this inspiring and supportive lady.

—Barbara Thomson, PhD – Author of Bioenergetics

Marni is the best cheerleader you could wish for! She's a tough critic but kind, honest, and extremely helpful. Working with her as your writing coach is a blessing!
—Estee Sery, Author of the The Rusted Tea Box
Marni Freedman helped me see what was relevant in my story, and together, we refined it until it became the book I want to be remembered for. She was my writing coach for three years and stayed with me with her encouraging support when, more than once, I was ready to quit. She wisely directed me to many great collaborators in my writing adventure and included me in classes with other writers. I am grateful to Marni, who made it possible for me, at eighty-five, to become the author of my legacy book, The Missing Peace.

—Nere Lartitegui, PhD, Author of The Missing Peace: A Gentle Approach to Finding and Maintaining Inner Peace

One of the best things that ever happened to me was registering for the Memoir 101 certificate program with Marni Freedman. That class with Marni truly changed the direction of my life. I will never forget Marni telling me, ‘You are a writer,’ and with her excellent coaching and critique, I began to believe her and to believe in my work. Marni held my hand, edited my drafts, and instilled confidence in me. Because of Marni, I published my first memoir and am ever grateful to her. She is truly dedicated to the writers she works with and to the San Diego Memoir Writers Association, which forms the writing community that Marni founded. Beloved in the community and held in high esteem, there is no one quite like the amazing Marni Freedman!
—Laura L. Engel, author of You’ll Forget This Ever Happened: Secrets, Shame, and Adoption in the 1960s
Marni Freedman is a writing coach. That's a slight understatement. For my nonfiction project—one that had plagued me for years—Marni served as a paramedic, emergency room doctor, psychiatric nurse, and finally, social worker. Paramedic? In initial meetings, Marni administers oxygen to a lifeless outline through structural suggestions. Emergency room doc? Marni knows where to cut the superfluous and how to stitch together a clear, relevant, and image-filled narrative. Psychiatric nurse: We've all hit the writer's block wall. Marni knows that wall. She sees it coming before you do and encourages perseverance or (paradoxically) a few days away from the page. With her years of experience as a licensed therapist, she can read you like a book. Social worker: Marni gets your project out into the world with support. She networks and dreams of life beyond the confines of the project in its initiation. More than all of this, Marni cares about writers. Her passion for your work energizes your resolve.
—Phyllis Olins, Conflict Counselor Author of How Not to Be A Jerk or a Victim
As a travel writer for over 30 years, I thought signing up for Marni’s Memoir Writing Certificate program would help me write a collection of my travel stories. Instead, I embarked on a life-changing journey of the heart. Now, on the 3rd draft of my memoir, I learned so much from her that I’m forever grateful for myself, my family, and most of all, the craft of writing. She is forever my mentor, and I am eternally grateful for her wise guidance.
—Lenore Greiner, Author of My Father’s Wings

Writing Coach

Are you a writer who is struggling to start or complete a piece of writing? Marni, Carlos, and Tracy meet with their clients for private coaching sessions. No matter what you are working on, utilizing a writing coach gets you started, keeps you on track, and ensures you will finish a draft at your highest ability. (Coaching sessions by phone or Zoom.)

Write it in 6 Months

Are you ready to have the first draft of your book written in six months? Work with Marni, Carlos, or Tracy in this exclusive, fast-paced, highly personalized, action-oriented program.

Think about it. You may have nothing but ideas and a blank page right now, yet in six months, you could hold your first draft in your hands. If you are ready to get into action and finally make it happen, your time is now.

How It Works:

  • At the beginning of your program, you will receive your packet that includes specific ideas to ponder and forms to fill out that will help you conceptualize and refine your ideas.
  • You will have your one-hour writing coach session with Marni (or Carlos or Tracy) every other week.
  • Together, you will review homework, update your progress, assess your inspiration and motivation levels, and create your clear, actionable writing plan for the next two weeks.

Developmental Content Editor

We will read your half-put-together to your fully completed manuscript (really, it doesn’t matter what shape it’s in!) and then provide a written assessment covering the essential elements of story, plot, character, tone, theme, dialogue, and structure.

Script Coverage

Marni and Carlos will read your completed (or almost completed) script and offer supportive, clear, and detailed feedback on the essential elements of the story, plot, dialogue, theme, tone, character, and structure, along with guidance for your next essential steps.


Got a manuscript you’ve been working on, but you’ve run out of gas? Need a pro to fix it up and take it across the finish line? You need a pro ghostwriter! YOU are still the author! YOU are the idea creator. YOU own ALL the rights to your material. And our ghostwriter does NOT ever need to be credited for the work he does. That’s what you’re paying for, and kinda the point of hiring a ghostwriter!

Carlos, an experienced ghostwriter, will work with you to bring to life the book you’ve dreamed of creating. The way it works is really simple. Your ghostwriting package will be designed by Carlos to fit your needs. After a consultation (or two!) Carlos lays out a plan for getting your material finished. You participate as much or as little as you desire. You can also participate in various stages of the process as you feel more comfortable. But many clients simply want to give Carlos the broad strokes—their ideas—and then let him create the finished product to their detailed specifications.

Packages start as low as $699, so it’s really affordable if you’re at a place where you’re sick of all the games and b.s. and you want a great finished product based on your ideas. When you are finally ready to leap into publishing full force, consider a gentle, caring craftsman like Carlos, who understands how much your creative ideas mean to you. He treats your ideas and intellectual property with genuine thoughtfulness and professionalism that is up to or exceeds industry standards. Ready to have fun while zooming your career to the next level? This is the way!

Am I Ready for an Agent? 2 Session Assessment

Marni, Carlos, or Tracy will review the first 25 pages of your book, your synopsis, and your query to let you know if you are ready to submit to an agent. Additional sessions can be purchased if help is needed to polish pages, synopsis, or query.

Therapist for Writers and Artists

Marni is a fully licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Marni Comes to You via Zoom. Marni uses dynamic evidence-based tools from Expressive Writing Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Brief-Solution-Focused, and Positive Psychology to explore and work through (or, better yet, play through) struggles and address any transitional/problematic issues. Healing is possible!

Videos for Authors

Carlos is a professional filmmaker and documentarian. He and his crew can help you to capture your life story, build a social media presence or create an awareness campaign.

 Build Social Media Following

Looking to Build Your Social Media Presence as an Author? Short video clips are a wonderful way to connect with your audience in an authentic and dynamic way. Plus you can film for a few hours and have material for months
You can create clips that are
10 seconds
20 seconds
90 seconds
Two minutes

Reasons to make author videos

  • Establish a solid author platform (this can help you to get published)
  • Create an effective awareness campaign about your writing or your work
  • Connect with new and loyal readers
  • Share your wisdom and experience
  • Find your readers where they already are. We live in a social media world and like it or not, that’s where readers spend most of their “screen viewing time” – Can’t ignore it!

Filmed Life Story – An Alternative to a Written Memoir

  • What is a Filmed Life Story?
  • A highly customizable video – from 10-90 minutes that tells YOUR story
  • An alternative to writing a memoir (faster and easier and its visual)
  • Can be done interview style or talking to the camera
  • Can focus on one period of time in your life or on larger scope (many time periods)
  • Can be filmed in seated interview style or walking and talking (or both)
  • Can include photos, memorabilia and home movies
  • Can be done on your phone or with a professional videographer
  • Can be focused on you or on a group/your family

Who Should Consider Making One?

  • Someone who needs a little help/prompting to get their stories out. (A good interviewer asking the right questions is the key!)
  • Someone who wants a shorter process or a visual remembrance

Family Histories

We believe that everyone has a story to tell. And what stories are more important and precious than those of your family and loved ones? A family history is a collection of stories to be shared with friends, relatives, and the next generation. Our team can interview a family member to get stories, details, and descriptions of their most meaningful life moments.

This can be everything from their first memory and childhood to how they met their partner and their career highlights. You can make the focus broad (highlights from throughout their life) or center on a specific time you’ve always wanted to know more about (military service, travel, or how they handled setbacks).

We can interview your clients and have their stories organized for a short book you can print to make lasting memories. Or, our team can film your loved one and edit together a short film of them sharing important memories in their own voice.

Writing Groups

New groups are often forming; spots will open and close, so watch this page for updates.

Tracy, Marni, and Carlos believe that one of the best tools in a writer’s tool kit is being an active member of a read and critique group guided by a professional editor. We work to develop a supportive, close community in our groups where writers feel empowered to share their pages and leave the session inspired to write more the next week.

Monday Evening All-Genre (Tracy): Meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 5:15-7:15 p.m. PT on Zoom. Click here to learn more.

Tuesday Evening All-Genre (Tracy): Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 6-9 p.m. PT on Zoom. Click here to sign up on the waitlist.

Wednesday Evening Memoir (Tracy): Meets four Wednesdays a month from 5-7 p.m. PT on Zoom. One open spot. Click here to learn more.

Wrighteous Sisters: Women Memoir Writers (Tracy): Meets on the second, third, and fourth Saturdays of the month from 2:30-5 p.m. PT on Zoom. Currently full. Click here to sign up on the waitlist.

Thursday Night Writers All-Genre (Carlos): Writers sign up here. Meets on four Thursdays a month from 6-8 p.m. PT. on Zoom. Click here to learn more. This all-genre read and critique group has been running on-off for thirteen years. And it’s back! We love all kinds of writing here, but especially genuine stories. Stories about people. Short stories, chapters of novels-in-progress, pages of a new screenplay, pages of a new memoir. The most important thing is that writers be ready to join a community and be supportive of one another in and out of the group. Come have fun, and let’s develop some magical projects together!

Thursday Feisty Women’s Writers Group (Marni): Meets on four Thursdays a month from 10-12 p.m. PT on Zoom. One spot is available.

Friday Writers (Marni): Meets on four Fridays a month from 11-1 p.m. PT on Zoom. Multi-genre, all levels. Currently full. Click here to sign up on the waitlist.

Book Marketing

We offer a full range of marketing solutions for your book including:

  • customized book launch marketing strategies
  • social media marketing (organic and paid advertising),
  • One-on-one and group marketing coaching
  • customized graphic design: bookmarks A+ graphics, social media ad design, and customized swag

Inquire today for a free 20-minute consultation to see how our team can help you launch your book into the world!

Get Marni’s Exclusive Writing Tools

Ready to start writing today? Kickstart Your Writing Journey by Downloading Marni’s Tools on Plot, Story Idea, Scene Writing, Character Arc, Archetypes, Creative Flow and More!


15 Plot Spots - Your Go-ToPlotting Tool
11 Commandments For Writing a First Draft
The Checklist for Effective Scene Writing
How to Craft a Solid Core Idea
Character Arc for Memoir Writers
How to Unblock and Enter the Creative Flow
Big List of 52 Archetypes - A Tool for Character Creation

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